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Monday, January 28, 2008

HTC Kaiser fans cough up over $5,000 for homebrew video drivers !

Of course, it seemed that we had heard the end of the story on phones HTC and the case of the missing drivers, but most of the cats in this forum xda-developers have something else in mind. There is currently a $ 5199.51 bounty offers from various members of the group for a hacker (or hackers), which can produce drivers to obtain their Kaisers' Direct 3D to the height, which increases the capabilities of the video phone. If you followed the case, you know that HTC has essentially stonewalled users looking for an upgrade of their machines weak, and suggested that if customers want improved performance video, they should turn to the future rather than equipment for updates on their current models. Clearly owners seek to take matters into their own hands - and they are willing to pay for it. We can not wait to see what they have just put in place, and if someone there has the ability and time, here's a pile of cash that could be yours.


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