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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Massachussetts company develops inkjet-printed solar panels

Printed solar cell technology continue to have more and more with the reality, with a company called Massuchssetts Konarka Technologies announced today that they are now in a position to the manufacture of solar cells with the ink-jet printing. There is not a ton of information about the process, but Konarka has already shown that she and the details published in a journal called Advanced Materials - sparkling sounds like the play, if you ask us. Konarka describes the process makes solar cells fabbing extremely easy because it does not require a separate room, and cost savings could result in an increase in the number of applications for solar energy. Of course, the economy of the ink-jet printing attracted more than one member of the dark side - we wonder whether Konarka is now finally begin to sell ink cartridges solar energy for more than the printer itself, self?



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